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Enterprise credit investigation case

  Release time:2022-05-16

A manufacturing enterprise in a city wants to sign a supply contract for a certain product with a foreign trade company in Shanghai. The two companies have had some business dealings before! However, due to the low proportion of the deposit in this transaction procedure, the transaction amount and liquidated damages are high! Therefore, although this manufacturing company wants to take this opportunity to open up the North American and European markets, the motivation is very high. strong. But not really worried. So, this manufacturing company found us, hoping that we could help them find out the details of the other party before signing the contract! Our company quickly learned from local people that the other company's current operating conditions are not good with the help of the long-established cooperation network in various places. , Difficulty in capital turnover! But this is not enough, so our company's investigators contacted the company's boss and many subordinate employees under different disguised identities, and finally found that this foreign trade company currently has no ability to perform the contract. And the will! More want to use this to defraud a batch of spot goods and then run away every day. Our company handed over the complete set of information and relevant recording and video evidence obtained to the entrusted manufacturing enterprise, thus avoiding the occurrence of a commercial fraud case!

Private business